With a nice 3 day weekend we headed out to go camping at Jellystone in Canyon Lake. This would be our first time to take Major on such an adventure. After settling in, made frito pie and enjoyed a quite night.
The next morning Lucien woke up ready for adventure after eating breakfast tacos. He began the day with BooBoo and the reciting the pledges for the USA and Texas Flag followed by the Jellystone Pledge.
He then jumped on the jumpy pillow and got ready for the laser tag. During laser tag teams were created shots were fired. Lucien and a few others found base in some of the buildings and used the hill to navigate.
Lucien's front tooth which had been dangling for weeks was helped out by mom. How special is that to have a tooth come out while camping! The gum around the tooth did hurt a bit, so we needed a distraction. It might be winter, but with a heated pool we were able to enjoy a dip in the pool. We raced from side to side and Lucien loved splashing into the pool. After swimming we took showers and made pita pizza's for dinner before hanging out by the fire pit.
Camping is quite exhausting for Major!
Valentines morning Lucien was ready to take on pedal carts. With money in hand he headed up to the office and had them use the walkie talkie to radio me his time. He found another boy to race and ride with.
After carts he had laser tag followed by baseball practice back in Buda. We stopped by the house to pick up this tooth-fairy pillow as well. For dinner we had ribs and mac and cheese, potato salad and green salad.
Our last morning was also Steven's 40th birthday. We allowed him to sleep in and enjoy the morning. This allowed us to decorate the outside of the RV with streamers and a 40th birthday banner.
Lucien got a few dollars and a special Yogi Bear pin from the tooth-fairy which was super exciting and special. Lucien had to ride the pedal carts one more time and found it just as much fun as the first time!
The camping trip was great family fun.