Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Daytona for Football

During the season Lucien received an invite to the Offense Defense All American bowl in Daytona Beach this December. Since we usually take some type of trip after Christmas we decided this would be a fun adventure.
We spend Christmas Eve in Pearland at Grandma's house, then woke up and had Christmas morning. We had a slight adventure with Major. We then set out for Florida.
26th: We had registration and opening ceremonies. Lucien saw another LT athlete. We were able to go grab a bite to eat later that evening.

27th: Practice with the team. This was fun to meet families and players from all over the country and Canada.

28th: Practice and a Game

Lucien sacked the QB 2 times, made several solid tackles as DE and played TE on offen, but also played WR although the opportunity for a pass his way did not come. He was held several times and as a result the other team had a lot of penalties and yards lost. The final score was a tie of 0-0. 


Not going anywhere.

Ready to Launch



Big guy just yanked off teammates helmet. Lucien is there to help protect.

Ready to Run

All Set




After the game we took time to dip our feet the in the Atlantic with a walk along the beach. The water was cold. Lucien enjoyed a dip the hotel spa to warm up!

29th: Practice

30th: Game
Caught a pass for a 55 yard touchdown.

Dominated on defense in second game at with 4 sacks, several QB pressures, and a tackle to stuff an extra point run. Can't wait to come back next year and show improvement.

Had fun playing in Daytona with athletes from all over and learning from Coach Malique Jackson and blessed to have great coaching.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ohio for Football

After the regular season my football team got invited to compete in the World Youth Football Championship in Canton, Ohio.

We toured the Hall of Fame

It was a great time playing with teams from all over. Our game in the semi-finals was quite difficult from the parents of the opposing team yelling cuss words to late shots by the other team. They won, but we played as a team.

Traveling to play a sport is always fun. It was also great to have mom's who made signs for our doors.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Baby Cousin

I've wanted for so long for my Auntie Ann and Uncle Glynn to have a baby so I could have a new cousin.

I wanted to so bad to hold her and got my wish.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

5th GradeHill Country Football Championship

Our 5th grade team won the championship to finish out an undefeated season. 
I got to be team captain and lead the team out on the field. We worked so hard as a team to accomplish this season record.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Football Book

Last year I kept up with making Lucien's football photo book up until the last few weeks of the season. Since this year is up and running I figured I should finish last years since I've started the one for this year already.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Pets

Our pets enjoyed their Christmas gifts from us.

Major got Jammies

Holly enjoys her new condo as a great place to play, get away or hangout. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017


The weather was beautiful and the lines were short this afternoon as we visited with Santa.